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There is no doubt that the e-SULAM project has strengthened our understanding of the right of the adopted child to inherit the properties of his adoptive parents. While we certainly hope that our sharing and efforts will have had a beneficial impact on the society, we are grateful to all those who have offered their assistance and support, directly or indirectly, throughout the project, without whose help this project would not have been a success. Our deepest appreciation goes to our lecturers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuryati Mohamed Yusoff, Dr. 'Ain Husna Mohd Arshad, and Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq for providing guidance and assistance to the completion of this project. We would also like to thank our batchmates and friends for the support they have given our group to ensure that this project is successful.  To sum up, we genuinely believe that this project has been successful in achieving the objectives of raising awareness on issues pertaining to the law of succession as well as in polishing the communication skills of students.

© e-Portfolio 2020 by Group 5

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